At Kevin's Magneto Service, located in Central Illinois, we offer quality customer service to repair antique stationary engine magnetos. We can also rebuild antique stationary engine magnetos. The repair or rebuild of antique tractor magnetos is another service we provide. If the igniter is not functioning, we can repair or rebuild it for you.
Beginning January 1, 2025, Kevin's Magneto Service is a closed shop. Please contact Kevin before shipping magnetos for repair. Only select make and models are being serviced at this time. Walk-ins by appointment only, please call Kevin at (309)303-2634.
Magneto Parts:
At Kevin's Magneto Service, we do have some new parts for tractor magneto repair on hand. If we do not have the new part on site, we can get any necessary parts using next-day delivery. We do have several tractor magneto cores readily available. If your part is no longer made, we may have new, used, or older magneto stock available at a discounted price.
Magneto Repair Services:
At Kevin's Magneto Service, we can test antique stationary engine magnetos and antique tractor magnetos on our magneto test stand. We are available for a number of magneto repair services: to set the magneto lag, to test magneto coils, to test magneto condensers. We have a magnet charger, and we service a wide variety of magnetos. High-tension magnetos, low-tension magnetos, inductor magnetos, shuttle-wound magnetos, and oscillating magnetos-all types are tested when they come into the shop to eliminate guessing at the problem. All work is also tested before it leaves the shop because we stand behind our work. We do not repair or rebuild aircraft magnetos.
We are capable to service, repair, and rebuild many common brands of tractor magnetos. Please call for more information, (309)303-2624.